
The mission of CultureMesh is to connect diasporas around the world by providing a platform where users can find and connect with people from their place of origin or that speak their language.

CultureMesh API

The CultureMesh API is the single interface to CultureMesh’s database and services. You can connect to the API to retrieve networks, posts, and more.


The CultureMesh API is meant to be accessed by CultureMesh-owned services like the Android app and the lite webapp. It is NOT meant to be a publicly-facing developer API.

The CultureMesh API started as a Stanford Code the Change project.

Developer Notes

  • We are currently using Python 3.6.1 to run the Flask app.
  • This project along with the CultureMeshFFB, CultureMesh Android, and the original CultureMesh for web are all on GitHub.


ken [at] culturemesh [dot] com