Getting Started


The CultureMesh API is a Python Flask application. It has no front-end and all of its blueprints are API endpoints that return or modify data from a MySQL database.

The API endpoints and data exchange formats are all implemented according to our Swagger API spec. We use this file as a structured specification format – we do not use Swagger’s code generation features. You can visit and copy the Swagger spec file into the editor to see a nice UI for the API methods and objects.


We currently have no way of running the API locally. We developed using a “rehearsal” database and URL endpoint.

Generating the required infrastructure for running and testing the API locally without relying on a live (even if rehearsal) site is a great idea for future work.

Running Locally

  1. Clone the repository

    $ git clone
  2. Install python from or via your favorite package manager

  3. Install virtualenv

    $ pip3 install virtualenv
  4. If you get a note from pip about virtualenv not being in your PATH, you need to perform this step. PATH is a variable accessible from any bash terminal you run, and it tells bash where to look for the commands you enter. It is a list of directories separated by :. You can see yours by running echo $PATH. To run virtualenv commands, you need to add python’s packages to your PATH by editing or creating the file ~/.bash_profile on MacOS. To that file add the following lines:

    PATH="<Path from pip message>:$PATH"
    export PATH
  5. Then you can install dependencies into a virtual environment

    $ cd culturemesh-api
    $ virtualenv .env
    $ source .env/bin/activate
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Create a local testing database. If you have access to the rehearsal database on the server, download it through the web interface instead of creating a new one.

  7. Install mysql and start the local server. For example, you can use homebrew like so:

    $ brew install mysql
  8. The server by default has no root password, does not start automatically, and is only accessible over localhost. Start it, login, and create a new database.

    $ mysql.server start
    $ mysql -uroot

    This will get you into a SQL command prompt, where you should run the following to create the database:

    mysql> CREATE DATABASE <database_name>

    Now you can load the downloaded file into the database.

    mysql> USE <database_name>;
    mysql> SOURCE <path_to_database_file>;
    mysql> SHOW TABLES;

    After the SHOW TABLES; command, you should see a bunch of tables listed.

  9. Follow the instructions in Secrets to create the credentials file. Fill in the database information for the root user as follows (if you left the root user without a password):

    sql = {

    ‘MYSQL_DATABASE_USER’: ‘root’, ‘MYSQL_DATABASE_PASSWORD’: None, ‘MYSQL_DATABASE_DB’: ‘<database_name>’, ‘MYSQL_DATABASE_HOST’: ‘localhost’


  10. Now, you can run the API locally by executing python Then, send API requests (e.g. via Postman) to as displayed in the output from running the python file.



Before contributing or writing code, be sure to scan the codebase first. There are certain recurring paradigms that you should follow. For example, we include utilities used by more than one blueprint as well as SQL statement helpers in, and we keep blueprint-specific utilities in files in their corresponding directories.


See section on Deployment for more information on how the API is is run.

All changes you make to the directory should go into a separate branch which you push and submit a pull request for:

  1. Install dependencies
$ cd culturemesh-api
$ virtualenv .env
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Create a new branch
$ git checkout -b my-new-branch
  1. Make some awesome commits
  2. Push the branch:
$ git push -u origin my-new-branch
  1. Make sure there are no merge conflicts with master
  2. Submit a pull request.


When opening the Pull Request choose the alanefl base fork, not ericshong’s

  1. Select your reviewers

8. Wait until at least one other person submits a positive review (or make the requested changes). Once a positive review is submitted, you can merge the branch yourself from the GitHub website if your reviewer has not already done so.

  1. Update your local master branch and delete the old one
$ git checkout master && git pull
$ git branch -d my-new-branch


To run the API you need to write an api/ file that contains the following contents:

sql = {
    'MYSQL_DATABASE_USER': '<user>',
    'MYSQL_DATABASE_PASSWORD': '<password>',
    'MYSQL_DATABASE_DB': '<db>',
    'MYSQL_DATABASE_HOST': '<db host>'

api = {
    'key': '<api key>'

host_path = {
    'image_uploads': '<path to image uploads location>'

secret_key = "<secret key for auth>"

Contact Ken if you are interested in contributing.